Environment & waste management considerations
Purple Results Limited recognises that the product of the Company’s operations can have an effect on the local, regional and global environment. The objective of implementing the Company’s environmental policy is to seek to actively reduce any negative impact of the business on the environment. As a consequence of this, the Directors and employees of Purple Results Limited are committed to continuous improvements in environmental performance and the prevention of pollution by the following means:
Purple will consider environmental factors with sensitivity in commercial decision-making and day-to-day operations.
Environmental Impact
Purple will seek to minimise the environmental impact of its operations directly or indirectly in areas such as pollution and emissions to air and water.
Disposal of Waste
In accordance with the Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations, Purple will ensure that it transfers its controlled waste to a registered waste carrier who has been approved by the Company and the Local Authority and who has produced an original of their Registration Document for inspection.
Third Party Products
Purple will ensure that products supplied by third parties can be handled, stored, distributed and disposed of in a manner, which safeguards the environment.
Energy Use
Wherever possible, Purple will use environmentally safe and sustainable energy sources to meet its needs. The Company will invest in improved energy efficiency when possible. Purple will make best use of natural resources by encouraging efficiency in the use of water, gas, electricity and transport fuel.
Chemicals and Hazardous Substances
Purple is committed to reducing and eventually eliminating the use of any chemicals and hazardous substances employed in the production of products supplied to the Company’s Clients. To this end, Purple uses computer to plate printing for all print work. This technology eliminates the need for film to be developed as part of the printing process, thereby eliminating the need for developer (that contains highly toxic silver crystals). Purple also uses vegetable oil based printing inks, rather than traditional volatile organic compound inks.
Responsibility for Products
Purple will consider the environmental impact of the products and services it produces and supplies on behalf of its Clients and will consider such impact at each stage of the lifecycle: from design, materials used, production methods employed, customer use and, finally, disposal.
Resource Consumption
Purple will seek to address its impact on the environment through the adoption of a sustainable procurement policy. We will conserve resources through efficient use and whenever and wherever possible, encouraging our Clients to make use of environmentally friendly products.
Purple maintains that a primary part of its corporate environmental strategy is sustainable waste management and as such recognises its responsibilities to recycle materials whenever possible. Of greater significance is the effect on the environment of products – notably paper and, to a lesser extent plastic – used in the wrapping and mailing of some paper products. Purple is committed to recommending paper manufactured from recycled pulp wherever possible and if the quality of the finished product will not directly impact on the product’s communication objectives. Where recycled paper cannot be used for reasons of price, quality, availability or technical requirements of the printing or finishing methodology, Purple will recommend approved papers, which have been proven to give good value, and are manufactured from virgin pulp produced from renewable managed forests and are either ECF or TCF free.
The Supply Chain
Purple will work with our suppliers to ensure they recognise and reduce the environmental impact of their products or services, as well as the transportation of printed products. Reduced fuel consumption and lower exhaust emissions can be reduced, for instance, through careful coordination of route planning and delivery schedules.
Training and Awareness
Purple Results Limited will ensure through training that a knowledge of environmental issues exists at all levels within the Company. Purple will promote environmental awareness and an understanding of how the Company’s business can impact on the environment amongst employees and visitors.
Monthly Audit
Every 6 months Purple will conduct a self-evaluation of our performance in implementing these principles and in complying with all applicable laws and regulations. Purple will review the application of the policy in the light of any newfound knowledge, changing legislation and public concern.